Strom v betónovom dome v Yagi

Suppose Design Office // House in Yagi

Niekto si teplo domova predstavuje takto monoliticky betónovo. Má to ale aj praktickú stránku, ak by sa ten potok rozhodol von z koryta, bývanie až na druhom poschodí a betónová konštrukcia nepohne majiteľovi ani brvou.

Betón v interiéri ohrieva drevená podlaha a drevené preglejkové steny spální a kúpelne. Interiérová záhradka chráni pred kritikou prerasteného bonsaja. Presklenená stena oddeľuje vnútrajšok. Z dielne naších obľúbencov SDO.

// Someone can imagine warmth of home as only brutalist can. It has practical side, if flood will come, owner won’t even notice as house have a concrete walls and living is in a second level. Elm floor and plywood walls are in warmth contrast with concrete walls. Interior garden is protecting against criticism of oversized bonsai.  A sliding glass door at the entry to the second level serves as a thermal barrier while permitting the passage of natural light from the large window.


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