Karen King // Higher Ground
Jedno z riešení ako dosiahnúť na vysoko uložené police v knižnici by mohol byť aj tento vstavaný rebrík. Prakticky nerozoznateľný, jednoducho ho od skrine odtiahnete a mazaj hore. Tento je v mierne rustikálnej úprave a nie tak vysoký ako by sme si predstavovali. (Ako sa dostať hore sme tu a tu mali)
// One of the solutions how to reach highest shelves in bookshelf could be built-in ladder. Practically indistinguishible from bookshelf, you just pull him away and up to the higher ground. Bookshelf shown is in rustic, and not as high as we imagined (for such solution to be useful) (We wrote here and here about other solutions on how to get higher)